Photo Gallery
Wildflowers on Mount Rainier, Washington

Wildflowers growing on a south-facing slope.

Great view.

A head of Eucephalus ledophyllus (Cascade aster) flowers.

Wildflowers growing on a south-facing slope.
Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari, NZ

World's biggest moss, Dawsonia superba, loving the moist forest floor.

Native begonia, lovely reddish foliage.

View of Maungatautari from outside. Hi-tech predator proof fence sort of visible in the bottom of the shot.

World's biggest moss, Dawsonia superba, loving the moist forest floor.
Wallum Heath, Burrum Coast National Park

Low-hanging Dendrophthoe glabrescens (Orange mistletoe).

Colourful burgeoning follicles on a Banksia integrifolia infructescence (Coastal Banskia).

Dillwynia of some sort, maybe Dillwynia floribunda (Showy parrot pea)?

Low-hanging Dendrophthoe glabrescens (Orange mistletoe).
Giraween National Park in winter

Can't resist adding a shot of Acacia adunca from 2015. Taken after 10cm of snow overnight.

Banksia spinulosa var. neoanglica (New England Banksia) in full bloom.

Mirbelia speciosa subsp. speciosa (Showy Mirbelia), the early bird of the Fabaceae this year.

Can't resist adding a shot of Acacia adunca from 2015. Taken after 10cm of snow overnight.
Field work in eastern Victoria and Tasmania

Eucalyptus kitsoniana canopy with Banksia understorey on very sandy soil in Holey Plains State Park.

Serious tree death on the slopes of Alpine National Park.

Field work in South Australia and western Victoria

Acacia cyclops seed, complete with scarlet funicle.

Leptospermum continentale (prickly tea tree) in full bloom.

Rainbow hanging over a South Australian wheatfield

Acacia cyclops seed, complete with scarlet funicle.
Field work in Western Australia

Beautiful heath in flower near Lake King.

Prostrate Banksia blechnifolia growing in heath.

Travis trying to snag us some Eucalyptus conferruminata samples using an off-label version of the patent-pending "Mike Olsen Concussioner".

Beautiful heath in flower near Lake King.